"European Music Trails" (EUMUT) is a project about the connective power of music in a multinational Europe. It looks both at our European musical history and how it
is connected to our lives today, as well as at how we can pass on this heritage to the future. At the core of the project are European composers who are connected in different time periods by
living, working or studying in Leipzig at one time in their lives. These composers were not only influenced by what they acquired in this city with a rich musical heritage; they also carried back
and forth the music from their home countries and what they learned during their stay. For an overview on who was in Leipzig and when, please have a look at https://notenspur-leipzig.de/en/composers-in-leipzig/
In 2018, Leipzig’s musical heritage sites were awarded the European Heritage Label. In order to foster the European dimension today, the city of Leipzig has entrusted Notenspur Leipzig e. V. to create an ongoing cooperative project with partners from other European countries, focussing on the above-mentioned international composers and their European networks, bringing them to the present.
EUMUT started in 2018 with partners from Lithuania and Norway and implemented a second instalment with partner institutions from Italy and France between 2022 and 2024. For more information see > Current Projects and > Past Projects.
Europe happens as people set out to meet each other. Therefore, the European Music Trails design their activities to reach diverse audiences and to encourage a transnational exchange of music, ideas and creativity. They bring people together, supply them with knowledge on music history and their European neighbours, and ensure an ongoing exchange between musicians, creative professionals and their audiences.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.