To offer a different kind of musical experience as well as cultural events to rural regions who have only a limited access to these kinds of activities all three partners implemented concerts and participatory dances in green public spaces, such as parks and gardens as well as in smaller villages or interesting landscapes in the countryside.

All three partners had one event per year simultaneously – always on the last Saturday of July 2022 - 2024.

30.7.2022  29.7.2023  27.7.2024

Leipzig/Germany  Notenrad-Touren to Leipzig's musical surroundings with live-music

Participants from Leipzig rode their bicycles to nearby villages and small towns which have a connection to Bach: in 2022 they cycled to Kleinzschocher on the occasion of the 180th anniversary of Bach's peasant cantata, in 2023 to Störmthal on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the acceptance of their Hildebrandt organ by Bach and in 2024 to Naumburg were Bach tested and approved another of Hildebrandt's organs in St. Wenzel's Church.

Saint-Donat sur l'Herbasse/France Aubade in the parc

In the beautiful surroundings of the Parc Emile Bert in Saint-Donat, Le Concert de l’Hostel Dieu organized three country concerts with pieces of Johann Sebastian Bach performed by annually changing musicians as an pre-opening of the local Bach festival.


Montecreto/Italy Hiking in the Appenine mountains with live-music

The participants started their hikes near the village of Montecreto, in the Apennine mountains. During approximately 2-hour walks on different routes they listened to live-music performed in the woods or in small churches of villages on the way.